CCMR Volunteer Workdays
Essential to fulfill our mission
and grant obligations
CCMR works with the Forest Service, BLM and local groups on projects that benefit the entire community of trail enthusiasts.
• Clearing overgrown brush and fallen trees
• Repairing trail damage from floods and fires
• Trail improvements including minor relocations
• Erosion control
In addition, many of the grants we apply for require CCMR volunteer hours.
To get trail and event news:
During Rides We Continuously Inspect & Clear
CCMR members visually inspect and evaluate maintenance needs while riding Central Colorado trails. We stop to fix minor problems encountered on rides (minor blowdowns, safety hazards or obstructions, trash, etc.). Members report problems requiring assistance to repair such as erosion and large blowdowns needing a chain saw.
To learn about upcoming trail maintenance events VISIT the CCMR Facebook page and JOIN CCCMR and receive event notification via email.