Pay It Forward
Giving Back To Our Trails - CCMR Volunteers Make a Difference!
Join CCMR and stay informed on projects, issues, and volunteer opportunities.
Volunteering is the ultimate exercise in democracy. You occasionally vote in local and national elections. However, when you volunteer, you can regularly vote for the kind of community you want to live in. Join CCMR to receive our newsletter with trail information on volunteer opportunities. Contact us to contribute your time and talent to ongoing projects related to obtaining and administrating grants, Board of Director duties, website, FB, newsletters, etc. Email
Your membership and volunteer hours not only help preserve trails,
but also increase our chances to obtain grants.
Attend our club meetings, read our newsletters and follow CCMR on Facebook to learn about projects and how CCMR works to provide factual information to influence decisions and promote community good will. Learn what you can do to help CCMR protect and promote off-highway motorized recreation in Central Colorado.
Our trail maintenance days are terrific opportunities to work with CCMR members and other local organizations that share our trails. Working with local organizations, United States Forest Service (USFS), and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) shows the value that OHV enthusiasts add to our multi-use trail systems. Please visit the CCMR Facebook page for current events. Join CCMR, and signup for our newsletter to receive notifications for public comment and for trail maintenance, trail advocacy, and other opportunities to work with the Forest Service, BLM, and local organizations that share our trails.
Think about volunteering your time and talent for the interesting and rewarding administrative work we do - grant writing, websites, FB, newsletters - are just some of the volunteer skills needed beyond trail workdays.
Get Involved
There is no question that we face critical opinions and budget reductions that have closed many of our trails and are a real threat to close more. Take part in the public process to determine which trails remain open or which trails will be closed. You have only to look at the decades of extensive trail closures in other parts of the country to see what is in the future for Colorado riders if we don't act.
CCMR will email members and post information on the CCMR Facebook page regarding public hearings and opportunities to write your legislature representatives.
Get Educated
Lists of publications and other tools for motorized recreation advocates can be found at the Trail Preservation Alliance (TPA), Blue Ribbon Coalition and Colorado Off Highway Vehicle Coalition (COHVCO). Visit the United States Forest Service (USFS) and Bureau of Land Management (BLM) for public lands initiatives.
Receive updates on public land initiatives when you subscribe to and support CCMR and OHV organizations advocating for motorized trails. Visit our IMPORTANT LINKS page.
Groups Dedicated To Closing Motorized Trails - Understand Their Goals and Strategies
There are many active, well-funded and passionate groups whose mission is to limit or close as many OHV trails as possible. The best offense is a good defense. Visit our IMPORTANT LINKS page to visit some of the trail closure advocacy groups' websites.
Join and we will keep you up to date on CCMR news, volunteer opportunities, club events, and regulatory action items. No matter where you live, we encourage you to show your support by joining CCMR.